Snow Business

By Andy Smith - @andycactus


Three of us met at Staveley Mill Yard on a dank, drizzly, grey day. I arrived first and was quick to grab myself a coffee from More Bakery and pick my new favourite trail snack, the mighty Scotch egg. The lads and Sky the trail dog arrived within minutes and after quite a bit of…

Bit of a Bash

By Andy Smith - @andycactus

The Borrowdale Bash is one of the Lakeland District’s classics. Great climbs, great descents, great views and different every time you ride it. It’s a real favourite but can take up a big part of your day. This particular Saturday I was really short on time so decided to only ride a bit of the Bash – it still didn’t…

Sticks Pass Solo with a twist

By Andy Smith - @andycactus

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, temperatures were mild and it hadn’t snowed for a good few days, so naturally I emailed my colleagues to say I’d be ‘working from home’ that day. I threw the bike in the back of the truck and set off for a solo mission. I’d been driving a…